Now that you have had a chance to think about the values that are important to you, let's dig a little deeper.
Values are foundational to who we are as individuals, families, communities, organizations, and cultures.
Values help us to stay purposeful and focused, and are like anchors in a storm that support us in holding to our vision.
When I first began to examine my values a few years ago, this is what I identified with and found meaningful:
Creativity: Innovation, imagination, visualization
Empowerment: Holding a space for exploration and growth
Purpose and Connection: Focus, results, collaboration and community
Discovery and Curiosity: Lifelong learning and open dialogue
Spirituality: Soul work, a holistic view of human beings and the world in which we live
Mastery: Self-awareness, personal development and excellence
As you can see, values are subjective, tend to be highly personal and are very influential in how we interpret human behaviour and our surrounding environment.
By becoming clear about your values and underlying beliefs and assumptions, you will be freeing yourself up to create space to focus on a path that will support you to step into your greatest self.
Thought Challenge: Now go back to the values you identified earlier. How did they come to be a part of who you are? In what ways are your decisions and choices in life aligned to your values? What are you noticing from this examination? What needs clarifying? What remains true for you today and moving forward?
Photograph: The Art of Purposeful Living
My Learning
After a life changing event that occurred a year ago, I went deeper into coaching and my own spiritual development. Now I'm in the process of figuring out what it means to repurpose my life. As I hone my values and beliefs, I am focusing on creating a seamless connection between my internal and external environment and the emergence of my most authentic self.
I have made time to still my mind in meditation, quiet reflection and journaling. This has helped me to refine and simplify things down to what matters most right now. Here are the values, beliefs and guiding principles that are true for me today:
Flow: A state of consciousness that is completely engaging, playful, life-enhancing and synchronous
Creativity: Imagination and innovation
Love: Self-regard, heart-centred, compassionate and forgiving
Mastery: Self-awareness, transformational growth and lifelong learning
Freedom: Autonomy and independence
Thought Challenge: Over the next week, practice being a neutral observer. How do you respond to certain words, situations and behaviours? What
pinches or
triggers an emotional or physical reaction? Is it positive or negative? What are the values you can identify in these circumstances? What are you learning about yourself?