Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wednesday Time Out

Time Keeps on Slippin'...into the Future

Janus, the Roman God of the Gate is represented by two heads, one facing west and the other facing east, simultaneously looking forward into the future and behind to the past. 

Janus often stands in a doorway as a symbol of change and transition, a bridge between endings and new beginnings, and this brings me to today's reflection on the concept of time.

This coming year I am focusing on the meaning of time and my relationship to it. Going beyond our modern day notions of time and time management, to something deeper. To stay present in the moment and to be neither future-oriented nor a dweller in the past.

When I travelled to Peru's Sacred Valley last summer I experienced time standing still. It was a profound feeling of peace. So now I'm on a mission to increase my awareness and understanding of how I measure, value and experience time and wondering if it is possible to recreate that state of timelessness here in my everyday life?

Thought Challenge: What is your relationship to time? When do you take time out to pause? What does staying present and in the moment look and feel like for you? What is possible when you become quiet?


  1. Mindfulness. Regarding life with open eyes and with out preconceptions. Curious about life's experiences and accepting of emotions in the here and now. Tuned into the present moment.

    This is my life everyday with my toddler, who consciously keeps me in the moment. Trying to preserve this way of being is my goal.

    To listen to the wind rustle the leaves of the trees. To notice the woodpecker who has moved into our back yard. Jumping and splashing in puddles with our boots on. Sitting out on the deck and watching this evenings hail storm.

    Nothing more beautiful than being present through the eyes of a toddler.

  2. Welcome to The Art of Purposeful Living Blog!

    Your reflections are poetic and soothing. Children have a natural curiosity in all that surrounds them. I think you have captured the essence of the meaning of "childlike wonder." Thank you for this.



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