Sunday, 15 May 2011

Writing Your Personal Mission and Vision Statement

We have all seen mission and vision statements mounted on the walls of organizations, described in policies, annual reports, websites and promotional materials.

How about personal vision statements? Can you recall reading or hearing someone else's personal vision statement? Who do you know that you would say is on a mission, or following his or her dream? What is unique about this person?

Perhaps we should begin with a common understanding of mission and vision. The terms are used interchangeably and I know it confuses me, so hopefully you will find this helpful. Simply put, a mission statement is a concise statement of your purpose in life. What you are here to do, your "calling", the reason you exist. 

vision statement on the other hand, is a statement of your ideal image of the future, your destination. It describes the unique ways in which you will carry out your purpose or mission. Your vision keeps you growing and motivated. It is a North Star to guide you along life's path and helps you hold the focus.

Photograph via Etsy

My own experience with this process tells me there is no right or wrong way to create a mission and vision statementWhat is important is to start dreaming, imagining and tapping into your passions and the stuff in your life that moves you and gives you meaning. 

It's a dynamic process, so expect that your ideas will change as you become more connected to the significance behind your own words. It all begins with writing down your thoughts and taking a moment for introspection and reflection. Just like your values, this is something that will develop over time as you attend to how you are living into your mission and vision. 

Thought Challenge: What are you passionate about? What do you love to do that energizes and inspires you? What are your talents, specialities, and areas of interest that make up who you are? What are the accomplishments that you feel good about? What are you proud of? What and who do you identify with? What are your roles? Who are you accountable to? What type of life do you want to create? What do you love about the life you are living right now? How does all of this fit with where and how you want to be in the future?

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