Image via kim holtermand
Why set goals?
Goals are more likely to help you succeed more quickly at reaching a desired outcome when you can clearly describe what you're aiming for and identify action steps that will steer you towards attaining your goals.
Think of it as setting up milestones that will help you mark success along the path to reaching the desired vision you have created for yourself.
Wondering how to get started? Chunk it!
Break your goals into bite-sized chunks. Imagine your goals are stepping-stones, flexible and dynamic to allow for the learning and growth acquired along the way.
Think about your vision statement. What are the key themes that are expressed in your vision?
Where do you feel a sense of urgency, excitement, or inspiration to get moving? Start there. Two to three goals is plenty to begin with.
Image via Pinterest
Now, take those themes and write out a goal statement (I have created a worksheet you can download for free). Write your goal statements so that they are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (aka SMART).
Image via Pinterest
Track it!
Use the worksheet I have provided or set up your own process to track and check in on how you are progressing towards your goals.
Having a visual display not only helps you stay focused, it can also be greatly satisfying if like me you feel a sense of accomplishment at being able to check another task off your list.
How about journaling, drawing, or taking photographs as a way to record your experiences?
Don't forget to make adjustments because you'll be acquiring insights into what works, what can be improved upon, and what isn't necessary, etc.
As you tend to your goals, how will you stay true to your values and what filters do you have that will help you know when you might be out of sync?
I encourage you to tap into your wisdom, pay attention to what feels right for you. If you're doing something that doesn't fit any more or takes you away from where you want to be, pay attention.
This journey is all about the learning. So tap into your intuition, trust yourself, and don't forget to enjoy the ride!
Image via weheartit
The best way to achieve your goals is to simply act. Once you know what your goals are, it's time to get to work.