Sunday, 17 July 2011

Trust the Process

I have a desire to master the art of deep listening, listening from the inside. I read about people who follow their inner knowing and intuition, and I admire them for their self-confidence and courage to trust in that which is unseen or intangible.

In order to trust, I have to be willing to let go of fear and worry. I am noticing just how much fear and trust are interconnected. It seems that when I can release myself from strongly held attachments that not only do I feel a certain freedom, my world expands.

It's just that it can take a while until I "get" it, OR I make myself so uncomfortable that I force myself to take the risk and just jump off the edge. Paradoxically, when I do get out of my comfort zone I usually survive, and yes, truth be told, even thrive to live another day. And that my friends is the reward, a deep and profound feeling of satisfaction and joy.

Listen to the quiet voice of inner wisdom and trust the process.

Thought Challenge: What experiences can you draw upon where you "trusted the process"? When you have taken a leap of faith, what did you learn? How is your life enriched by taking risks and doing something outside of your comfort zone? What can you do to connect to your inner wisdom?

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